
Wednesday, May 13, 2009


W  E  L  C  O  M  E

Hello!  My name is Amelia Smith and home is where my heart is. It sounds cheesy, but it's true. I love being a wife, mother & homemaker.  One of my greatest desires is to continually create a fun, fresh, comfortable home my family will always want to come home to.  

I believe anyone can achieve a killer vibe no matter what your space & budget is like- it's all about style, color, texture & meshing it all together.  Interior design has been a passion and hobby of mine for a while now, and recently decided to step into the design world to help others create their happy place.  

I am currently working on a site to showcase my work and outline my services.


Deals are my absolute favorite!  I owe my love for bargain shopping to my parents- they are wise and taught me how to achieve a high-end style for less.  It takes patience, time, and serious searching skills.  

I love music and love it loud! My husband Sam and I are night owls and spend many late nights in our shared office working away on our computers while jamming to music as he writes code and I bargain hunt or play with graphic design.  I think we're pretty fun together. Oh yes, Sam makes a pretty mean breakfast sandwich at midnight. Come on over! 

My husband and I are both born and raised in Salt Lake City, Utah.  We actually grew up on the same street.  And yes, we are Mormon.  We love it here and don't ever plan on moving.  

I studied Art & Business Marketing at Westminster College in SLC, and absolutely loved it.  Boy do I wish I would have had the passion and drive like I do now though!

Thank you for visiting!  I aspire to make this worthwhile as I share my work, trends, and designer deals for less.  Have a great day!

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