
Monday, August 31, 2009



last night during sunday dinner we spotted this blazing bright red sun.
we quickly ran outside on my parent's front porch to catch this gorgeous light.
my family all yelled amelia, go take a picture!
i don't ever remember seeing the sun this red. these pictures really don't due it's justice.
it was really cloudy, so there was a haze in front of it,
but it was almost a dark hot pink color... so beautiful!
did anyone else see this?


thank you julie, ariane and ellen for these vibrant homegrown vegetables... we can't get enough!


the first thing we did with these red tomatoes was add them to tuna sandwiches. .gobble gobble.


we also enjoyed a juicy and delicious burger with red tomatoes again from five guys hungry yet?


then we wrapped up the weekend with rag curlers
(that's what my mom always called them... mismatched homeless socks)

tie 'em up after freshly washed and dried hair for beautiful bouncing curls the next day!
not too comfortable to sleep on, but definitely worth it!
.beauty is pain.

