
Tuesday, September 22, 2009


GFS,birthday,september 2009

make a wish!
isn't this picture priceless? i have to say, i am proud [smile]
we grew up always knowing we were to call my mom's father
GRANDFATHER SIR. none of this grandpa, pop, papa, etc. as a retired engineer and veteran, he demands respect! no, he may sound strict and uptight, but he's really not... he's a sweetheart. he actually finds it quite humorous (the fact that he asked us to call him that!) and even more hilarious that we do and it really stuck. he definitely has an different sense of humor-i love it!

after many years of reciting his long name, we have shortened his title to GFS.
the family gathered to celebrate his 79th birthday over dinner, cake and homemade ice cream. delish!

GFS,birthday,september 2009

.the birthday boy and his great grandsons.

birthday,GFS,september 2009

my mom's yummy homemade cupcakes!

g&j meads,september 2009

i was able to take a few shots of my cousin's little boy during the party too! isn't he so darling?

.to see more go here.
