
Monday, September 14, 2009

[green ribbons]

school days,green ribbon week

HA! i never realized i tied ribbons like that [smirk] no, i wasn't trying to give anyone the bird (above), but those who drive irresponsibly can take that! i'm so bad! i would normally never flip anyone off... i must be feeling pretty aggressive today!

this week i am in charge of green ribbon week at our elementary school.
we're promoting pedestrian safety!
i'll be a little occupied...

thousands of children die each year from head injuries resulting in not wearing their helmets (it only takes once) or just being hit by a car walking or riding their bikes, scooters, etc.
so, please remember to SLOW down and pay attention when you are driving

and, if you see an obnoxious suburban all tied up with green ribbons this week, i will daringly admit that's me.
sam and the kiddles insisted on decorating it last night after tying hundreds of ribbons ar
ound the school.
happy monday!