
Monday, October 19, 2009

[i pledge to always be]

drug free!

school days,blog

.for me, for my family, for our future.

blog,October 2009

.this week is red ribbon week at our elementary school.
just after we finished up green ribbon week, i geared up to put on the red! seriously, what did i sign up for?

this weekend was spent copying pledges, cutting red ribbons, and counting out bracelets for all the students. man are we pooped!
sam stayed up until 3 a.m. to finish stapling for me! he knew i was dying, so he stepped in to save the day! what can i say? he's the BEST!

as much work as it has been, i'm happy to do it.. at least one kid better be saved in the war against drugs! it better be mine :)

in all seriousness though, i am just so thankful for all the amazing examples and "shelter" i've lived within, making it easy to never start using or drinking. it surely does take a village, or in my case a ward.

have you talked to your kids about this yet? it really is SO important! i truly believe communication is the key, and to talk about it frequently.
i like this resource here for help!
