
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

[all the little things]


i could name off hundreds, maybe even thousands of things i am thankful for, but this year i am especially grateful for all the simple little things that make my life happy, comfortable and special.


.this cute poem says it best.

all the little things
author unknown

oh, it's just the little homely things
the unobtrusive friendly things,
the "won't-you-let-me-help-you" things
that make our pathway light;
the "laugh-with-me-it's-funny" things,
and it's the jolly, joking things,
the "never-mind-the-trouble" things
that make the world seem bright.
for all the countless famous things,
the wondrous record-breaking things,
these "never-can-be-equaled" things
that all the papers cite
are not the little human things,
the "everyday-encountered" things
the "just-because-i-like-you" things
that make us happy quite.
so here's to all the little things,
the "done-and-then-forgotten" things,
those "oh-it's-simply-nothing" things
that make the life worth the fight.

happy thanksgiving friends!

vinyl sign by wallfrenzee