
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

[dishes after dark]

november 2009,blog

an art project by lulu



as the days grow shorter and light no longer lingers on, i find myself once again sloshing soap and water with the giant moon hanging outside my windows. i stand quietly scrubbing our dinner dishes while the children lay soundly asleep in their warm little beds.

i think about the time when i was the little girl lying in bed listening to my mom clean up the kitchen after dark. i remember wondering why she was up so late cleaning. the sound of dishes stacking, clacking and clinging ring on in the back of my mind.
now i fully understand, by the time everyone's homework is done and our nightly routine gets on it's way, it is time for bed.

frequently i find myself grumbling, tired and just "done" once the kids are tucked in, not wanting to lay a finger on the kitchen 'till morning. but the other night as i scraped and scoured, remembering my mom, i came to appreciate all the meager deeds she did for us; all somehow important and necessary, she did a lot for our family while persevering and maintaining a beautiful tidy home.
.i wish i told her thank you more.
so dear mom, thank you! thank you!
i will imagine you as i do the same for my family, presuming to happily enjoy the quiet moments at the sink and know by heart it's all worth it.
