
Monday, November 2, 2009

[push it]


do you

ever wish you could hit your own re-start button? magically become re-programmed? back to the perfect you?

i do!

we all know it's not that easy, therefore, today i decided i needed to "push it" the best way i know how and start a new program for myself.
with the holidays coming up and all the amazing treats that accompany such delightful events, i have got to buckle down and get back to regular exercise and better eating habits.
i've been totally slacking and it shows!

starting today, i woke up at 5 a.m. to meet my new gym buddy for a workout [thanks for agreeing to wake up so early buffy!]
i have started tracking my calories again...
annoying, but a must for me,
and i plan to go to bed by 10:30 at the absolute latest.

early to bed, early to rise, keeps a girl healthy, spunky and bright!

i am naturally a night owl, so this is really hard for me! if you see our lights on, call me and tell me to go to bed will ya?

thank you!
