
Saturday, January 2, 2010


happy new year!!!

full of fresh starts, new outlooks, goals, hopes, dreams, resolutions and so much more, this is gonna be good! i am optimistic heading into 2010! i am certain it will be a good year! i believe it truly is what we make of it.

2009 was difficult for a lot of people, us included when sam lost his job. panicked and terrified, i knelt down on my knees and thanked my Heavenly Father for all we had been blessed with and pleaded for help knowing that he would hear our prayers and somehow take care of us.

sam said that right after he was given the bad news, he decided he could either be scared, bitter and depressed, or he could be excited for a new opportunity. gratefully, he chose to be excited and postive about the whole thing... if not, i think i would have wigged out much much more than i did :) yes, i freaked at first, and then a few more mini freak outs to follow. but all in all, we were fine.
we were amazed at how okay we were during this scary time and how the Lord incredibly provided for us! our little family pulled together and we learned a lot.
thankfully sam found a new job fairly quickly and everything worked out even for the better.

how are you going to make 2010 brighter?

do you have any new years resolutions?
i usually always make a big long list each year with great intentions...
many of them aren't completely met, but hey, at least i try! a few of mine this year include:
1. playing with & teaching my kids more 2. cooking and eating more nutritional foods
3. increase my spirituality 4. give more love 5. pay more compliments
i won't bore you with the rest :)

so, i have had this blog now for 8 months and i've really enjoyed it!
it's been great for me to reflect on all the "brightsides" in my life and the lives of others.
i plan to continue with this little hobby and hopefully brighten your day too as i have fun with it :)


so, i meant to post this a couple of days ago, but we were too busy partying!

my favorite old song in 2009:
come undone by duran duran - so good played loud while cruisin' on the road listen here

my top two favorite new songs found in 2009:
one voice by the wailin' jennys - so great played loud anywhere! listen here
party in the USA by miley cyrus watch here
for whatever reason, i just love it! it's just upbeat and fun!

whatever you are doing today, enjoy!
i will be organizing our master closet, hopefully exercise, and probably playing barbies and racing cool cars on the kid's new race track! sam will be out with the "boys" and a few girls blowing up ice bombs and shooting guns in the west desert! good times, good times!