
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

[the laughing cow]

my happiness today started with laughing!
okay, not literally, just this cheese :)

blog,March 2010

my sister kate introduced me and i love it! have you tried it?
with only 35 calories, 1 g carbs, and 2 g fat in each wedge, it's the best!
it tastes so good spread on toast (way healthier than butter & sugar filled jam) or even on cauliflower; that is what we had last night as a side dish (below) - the kids liked it too!

and, not that you care to know what i ate for breakfast, but merely another recipe idea... i made an open faced sandwich with laughing cow spread on top of whole grain wheat bread, scrambled eggs, and fresh avocado slices on top. SO delish!
if you have any ideas or recipes that would be yummy with this swiss, please share!

blog,March 2010

bon appétit!
