
Monday, March 8, 2010

[super spence vs cancer benefit]

please join with me

blog,March 2010

super spence vs cancer benefit

i will be joining with several other photographers to take pictures at this great event.

i love this boy! he is such an amazing kid! back in november i took pictures of him and his siblings before we knew he had cancer. it was truly an honor to capture him when i did, while he was vibrant, healthy, strong and happy. as i photographed him, i kept thinking to myself, what a great, respectful, kind, fun & wonderful boy he was! let's get this little superhero better!

Date: Saturday, March 20, 2010
Time: 12:00pm-3:00 pm
Location: Fort Herriman Stake Center
Street: 12791 South 6000 West
Herriman, Utah
view map

Neighbors and friends of Spencer Gooch of Riverton, Utah are rallying to his and his family’s side while Spencer undergoes chemotherapy.

Seven-year old Spencer was diagnosed on February 2, 2010 with Rhabdomyosarcoma, a high-risk malignant tumor in the muscles of the parapharyngeal space at the base of his skull.

He will undergo 54 weeks of the highest and most difficult form of chemotherapy treatment as well as months of radiation which may also result in vision and hearing loss.

Spencer is a smart, witty boy who loves science, sharks, and space. He has a great love for his family and for all those around him.

For the benefit of Spencer and his family, we are holding an event to raise funds to help cover Spencer’s medical expenses that will mount over the next two years. If you, your family, your business, etc would be interested in donating to the cause, please contact us.

We are asking that you open your heart and show your generosity for Spencer’s benefit. Join us at the Fort Herriman Stake Center for an afternoon full of fun & wonderful opportunities to support this amazing little boy & his family. Food, silent auction, raffle, bake sale, "head shaving" by the U of U Mascot, "Swoop," other entertainment & pictures with the Jazz Bear himself!

Spread the word to friends & family. Let's show Spencer & his family how much we love them!!! We hope to see you there!

A big thanks to all the businesses, family, friends & community members for all of their donated goods & services thus far. For information & ways that your family and/or business can help by making a donation, providing service or contributing items to the auction email

hope to see you there!
