
Monday, July 12, 2010


a few weeks ago we cheated and bought some beautiful large tomato plants at costco.
we knew we were running out of time this year and figured we'd better start big in order to have a decent crop this season.  
as we were checking out and leaving, many people commented and joked that we'll have tomatoes in no time.
they were right!  we have gorgeous green tomatoes growing already!  who said cheaters never win? 
ooh, their incredible aroma makes my mouth water!  hopefully i'll have an appetite for them...
do you think i have time to hurry and plant some basil?
i would love to make lots of caprese this summer!

isn't this daisy bud awesome?  
i just think these perfectly folded petals tucked tightly are amazing!
here are a few of my favorites from my garden:

mmm, lavender.  enough said.

and who doesn't love geraniums? love you summer!