
Monday, August 9, 2010

[let 'em be little]

raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens

bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens

brown paper packages tied up with strings

these are a few of my favorite things

these seemed to be a few of lulu's favorite things too...
but, unfortunately her room does not look this way unless i tidy it up.  this room is my make shift photography studio, so every so often i go through and mommify it, making it somewhat presentable in times of need :)

lulu's really started getting into "personalizing it" with all kinds of random objects - little treasures she's found that i call junk.
i let her tape magazine clippings up on her walls and wade through the clutter of books, dollar store prizes, wrappers, jewelry, hair accessories and more on top of her dresser, night stands and shelves.

i remember wanting to display everything i could think of in my room.  my mom used to try and convince me (like i do with lulu) that a bedroom looks so much nicer when it's not cluttered.  
i didn't believe her.  what goes around comes around!  lol!

our ideas of bedroom décor are quickly changing as her cute little eyes see "beautiful" in a whole different light. 

let 'em be kids, right?