
Friday, August 27, 2010

[you would even say it glows]

the kids had been asking when we could camp before school starts.
their dear sweet daddy camps monthly with the scouts and frankly doesn't feel like setting up the tent one more time. lol. 

but you know you have a great dad when he does it anyway (after a crazy busy work week and can't keep his eyes open) knowing his little descendants will be thrilled beyond belief! 

we set the tent up early last saturday evening with great anticipation.  out came all the stuffed animals, sleeping bags, pillows, blankets, games and treats.  rudolf watched from above (yes shari, this is yours from your garage sale one of my kids bought earlier that morning - lol - they can't sleep without it)

i sat inside watching the glowing tent from our back windows...  just me and my chest cold coughing up a storm.
they had a grand old time playing games, cards, and watching movies.
i was sad to miss the festivities, but it was fun for the kids to have a little "dad time".

i enjoyed the comfort of my own bed :)
unfortunately sam said that that was the worst night's sleep he'd had in a very long time.  sorry lover.
you're an amazing dad sam.  the kids and i say thank you!