
Tuesday, May 4, 2010


i can't say we have many collections at our fine establishment,
unless you count crumbs, polly pockets or single homeless socks. lol.

but here is one we have to be proud of...

blog,May 2010

blog,May 2010

box tops!

yep, they can be found on many grocery store products. my kids are quite obsessed with these
little rectangle wonders

most are worth 10¢, but we will occasionally find ones worth 50¢! cha ching!
all of this money goes straight to our schools when turned in. they sure add up!
we have our extended family clipping and saving them for us too. i love it! we'll be at family parties and be handed little baggies full :D
and apparently schools will also be given money for empty capri sun pouches too (collected in the cafeteria) pretty cool!

so, if you see these little stamps, please cut them out before throwing out or recycling your packages. turn them in to your school or pass them along to someone who does have school aged children. every little bit helps!
