
Monday, May 3, 2010

[temple marriage]

the art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery ~Mark Van Doren

blog,May 2010
(depending on your monitor, you may or may not be able to see the temple in the background)

it's true what they say, the teacher always learns the most!

temple marriage was the topic, and i was asked to prepare one of the most important, far reaching lessons to the entire young women's yesterday. ahhh! talk about pressure :) as i read over #15 many times, i was amazed at how much i soaked up. after being married and sealed in the temple over 11 years ago, i thought i knew quite a bit, but there is always so much more to be learned.

{here is an excerpt from the lesson}
Spencer W. Kimball told the following true story:

"a few years ago a young couple who lived in northern utah came to salt lake city for their marriage. they did not want to bother with a temple marriage, or perhaps they did not feel worthy. at any rate, they had a civil marriage. after the marriage they got into their automobile and drove north to their home for a wedding reception. on their way home they had an accident, and when the wreckage was cleared, there was a dead man and a dead young woman. they had been married only an hour or two. their marriage was ended. they thought they loved each other. they wanted to live together forever, but they did not live the commandments that would make that possible. so death came in and closed that career. they may have been good young people; i don't know. but they will be angels in heaven if they are. they will not be gods and goddesses and priests and priestesses because they did not fulfill the commandments and do the things that were required at their hands.

sometimes we have people who say, 'oh, someday i will go to the temple. but i am not quite ready yet. and if i die, somebody can do the work for me in the temple.' and that should be made very clear to all of us. the temples are fro the living and for the dead only when the work could not have been done. do you think that the Lord will be mocked and give to this young couple who ignored him, give them the blessings? the Lord said, 'for all contracts that are not made unto this end have an end when men are dead.' (D&C 132:7)"

"the blessings and promises that come from beginning life together, for time and eternity in a temple of the Lord, cannot be obtained in any other way and worthy young Latterday Saint men and women who so begin life together find that their eternal partnership under the everlasting covenant becomes the foundation upon which are built peace, happiness, virtue, love and all of the other eternal verities of life, here and hereafter" -Heber J. Grant

for those of you who are thinking about going to the temple, don't procrastinate. make it a priority for you and your family's eternal salvation now. and for those of us who are already sealed, we must remain worthy to receive these blessings.
i bear testimony that marriage is divine, and that a temple marriage is the Lord's way and the only way to eternal happiness.
i write these things in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.

p.s. a big thank you to all the girls and leaders for your comments!
you made my first lesson great! xo
