i don't know what you gave your valentine this year, but i gave mine red plum jam & white bread.
i made sam the most amazing toast (he remembers) on our honeymoon.
we went to the grocery store one romantic autumn night somewhere in boston when i first introduced him to this delicious fruit topping.
ever since, he's been smitten (everything's better in love, right?)
i haven't bought a jar for quite a while, so i decided to make him his favorite toast sunday morning! that loaf of white was devoured before the day's end. it's quite a novelty at our house. dang healthy wheat!

my surprise was a flower delivery!
one by one, many slowly disappeared...
my girls thought they were theirs too! i found little prepared vases placed carefully in their rooms. they're too cute!
my favorite part of this delivery was the small note attached- i just eat up his words!
i told him he was a the ultimate poster husband & father; he laughed and told me he wished that were true. i assured him it was. he's the best!

we started making valentine sugar cookies...

a valentine tradition around here...
but once our dough was tucked away in the refrigerator to chill, it never came back out.
we got busy and never finished them :(
i just threw away all of the dough last night.
way to go awesome mom!

this little valentine is celebrating her big day today!