bee-bah (as my youngest refers to her) came out flashing these little beauties around!
desperate for earrings, she cleverly clipped these felt hair accessories onto her lobes.
pretty cute & creative i must say!

i decided long ago that i would save ear piercing for later.
as darling as little babies are with their ears pierced, i want my girls to remember it. i want them to be able to take care of them too.
there has never been a magic age...
i just want them to beg for the day like i did and then be back flipping excited when we take them!
i'm thinking it will probably be very soon!

as darling as little babies are with their ears pierced, i want my girls to remember it. i want them to be able to take care of them too.
there has never been a magic age...
i just want them to beg for the day like i did and then be back flipping excited when we take them!
i'm thinking it will probably be very soon!