so my dear blogging friend mary from the fresh notes sadly disappeared. she suddenly shut her blog down without any notice :( this has been several months ago and i just miss her & her blog!
dear mary,
i don't know if you visit here anymore, but if you do, hello! what happened to you? are you okay? i miss all of your great posts! i just can't bring myself to remove your link... in hopes you may return!i learned this great tip from her and i thought i would share:
wash, chop, spin and store your lettuce right in your salad spinner.
throw it (or place it) in your fridge and every time you don't feel like making a salad due to time constraints, no more excuses... it's ready to go!
and if you feel like it needs a little refreshing, quickly rinse the lettuce again, spin & serve. genius!
thanks mary! if you see this, i hope to hear from you!

in effort to eat better, i whipped up this awesome tuna salad in a snap.
simple and delicious, this salad tasted so good!
1 heart of romaine, washed & torn
1 handful of baby spinach leaves, washed
1 packet or can of chunk light tuna, drained
1 tomato
1 green onion, chopped
1 avacado (optional)
drizzle of light balsamic vinegar dressing, i like newman's own
squeeze of fresh lemon & lime juice
and can i just say, can there be anything better than a fresh lemon?
your assignment for the week, if you choose to accept it, is to buy some fresh lemons & limes and incorporate them into your cooking :) they make everything taste so wonderful!
just to slice one and sniff the little baby makes my day!
these dark and cold weeks need a little lemon lift!
back to the salad, i was amazed at how satisfying and fresh it was.
nutritious and protein packed, this will be a regular around here!