la di da, la di da, i get up this morning and make myself a bowl of my favorite cereal, raisin bran crunch...
i don't even sit down to partake.
sam's snoozing away after a horrible night of bad breathing. for one reason or another, he's started having these small asthma attacks. he's had them in the past, but it's been quite a while since he's suffered from them.
anywho, i got up with the kids to let him sleep a little longer,
and proceed to take a spoonful here and there while coercing the girls to "get ready".
sabrina begins having flu like symptoms and so it was decided that i should keep her home in case of the swine flu... who knows right?
sam & lulu leave for church, and...
"oh crap!" i blurted, "i forgot!"
sound all too familiar?
yeah, it happens, and we plan to fast next time, or "make it up another day".
what happened to "saturday is a special day, the day we get ready for sunday"? honestly, i did think about the fact that it was fast sunday last night, but it completely slipped my mind!
and get this, sam oh so hilariously informed me that i even filled out a check for our fast offering and it didn't even click! what kind of a moron (or mormon) am i?
my point is, our family really needs to "spruce up" our spirituality and set some new sunday routines! i feel we've become a bit lax lately with our sunday-ness.
what do you & your family do to prepare for the sabbath and how do you spend your time before & after church?
please comment... it would be great to have some input from you!
i'm sure others would love to read them too!