as we anxiously awaited...
.elder A.
he's home! he's home! hooray! hooray!
my ever so handsome brother returned home from serving his LDS mission in winnipeg!
.elder A.
he's home! he's home! hooray! hooray!
my ever so handsome brother returned home from serving his LDS mission in winnipeg!
.apparently it was a long day for more than just me.
scott gave his mission report yesterday at church and did an outstanding job!
he was glowing! the spirit felt in that chapel did not go unrecognized.
he delivered a beautiful message speaking of his amazing conversion experiences, the people of canada, faith, charity, and invited all to come unto Christ.
"what do we have to loose?" he asked.
if we don't have faith, start with hope.
thank you brother for your stellar example!
.i love you.